Smart Contract Reference
Kodiak Islands are Automated Liquidity Managers that abstract away all the complexities of liquidity provisioning to a Kodiak v3 pool while also maximising the fee returns. Users can provide liquidity to their favourite Kodiak v3 pools and get fungible receipt ERC-20 tokens that represent their share of the liquidity provided by the island.
Core Architecture
There are 3 main smart contracts that help create new islands one of them handles creation of new islands, the other is island itself and thirdly a router that helps with provisioning liquidity to these islands securely.
1. Kodiak Island Factory
The KodiakIslandFactory contract is responsible for deploying and managing instances of KodiakIsland vaults. This factory contract is designed to be non-upgradeable, and it deploys KodiakIsland vaults as ERC1967 minimal clones. Each factory maintains only one island implementation at a time and deploys clones of that implementation.
2. Kodiak Island
Kodiak Islands are ERC20-wrapped Kodiak V3 positions that enable simplified liquidity provision through a fungible token interface. When users add liquidity to an Island, they receive Kodiak Island tokens representing their proportional ownership of the underlying Kodiak V3 position. These tokens can be freely transferred, traded, or redeemed for the underlying assets at any time. For more info visit the kodiakIslands section of documentation or the smart contract reference
3. Island Router
The IslandRouter contract serves as a helper contract for users to easily provide liquidity to Kodiak Islands. It handles the complexities of depositing tokens, slippage protection, and token swaps when needed, while ensuring optimal liquidity provision.
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