Create a V2 Position

Adding V2 Liquidity on Kodiak

Click on the Liquidity option within the navigation bar. Within this section, select the V2 Pools tab to proceed. Any V2 positions you currently hold will be displayed here.

  • Import: If your pool position is not listed, select Import Pool. Then choose the tokens you've paired to load your position into the Kodiak interface.

Creating a Position

To begin creating a position, click Add V2 Liquidity and choose the tokens you want to add liquidity for. You can provide liquidity for any pair of tokens supported on Kodiak.

  1. Enter Amounts: Enter the amount of each token you wish to deposit to the liquidity pool.

    • For existing pools: If there is already an existing pool for your selected token pair, Kodiak will automatically calculate the proper token amount for the other side of the pair.

  2. Transaction Settings (optional): You can select the gear icon to adjust slippage for the transaction (optional/as needed).

  1. Approve Token(s): If it's your first time providing V2 liquidity for the particular token(s), you will need to approve the token(s) to be used by Kodiak. You will see two Approve [ ] buttons if you have to approve both tokens for the pair.

  1. Supply Liquidity: Carefully review the details of your transaction, including the token amounts and your ensuing share of the liquidity pool. Once ready, click Supply and confirm this transaction through your wallet. The transaction should be confirmed on Berachain within a few seconds.

  1. Transaction Complete: Following confirmation, your liquidity is added to the Kodiak V2 pool. You'll receive LP tokens that represent your stake in the pool. You can view your position details both on this page, and back in the V2 Pools view.

    • Dive deeper: For a more comprehensive view of your investment's performance, including fees earned, navigate to the analytics dashboard by selecting Account Analytics and Accrued Fees ->.

Last updated