Deploying new Permissonless Islands
User guide on how to deploy new permissionless islands
Last updated
User guide on how to deploy new permissionless islands
Last updated
Kodiak provides a simple way to deploy permissionless islands on any v3 pool. This enables anyone to use this island to provide liquidity in the pre determined price range abstracting away all the v3 complexities and increased efficiency by auto compounding earned fee.
To deploy a new permissionless island you must understand the basics of providing liqudity to a kodiak v3 pool and the mechanics behind concentrated liquidity provisioning.
Once you understand the concept of conc. liquidity, follow these steps to deploy a new permissionless islnad.
Navigate to V3 Pools section of the app and click on New Position
from the bottom right of the screen.
Select the token and fee tier. The order of tokens do not matter.
Click on Advanced Mode
and select the price range from the right hand section.
Carefully review and confirm the tick and the price range of the island. These cannot be changed once deployed. Click on DeployIsland
and confirm the transaction in your wallet.
The island is now deployed but won't be visible on the kodiak UI yet. Reach out to the Kodiak team to get your island displayed on UI.
This prevents an overload of islands from being displayed on UI and confusing for users to select from.